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Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil: Just a Health Trend or the Effective Remedy?

coconut oil pulling


Among the numerous of coconut oil uses coconut oil pulling is one of the most unknown. Let’s find out more about oil pulling with coconut oil and its benefits. 


How to pull oil?

Daily oil swishing in the mouth is an old Ayurveda practice known in India for centuries. You should take 1 tablespoonful of coconut oil in the mouth and move the oil around for 15-20 minutes, especially through your teeth where bacteria hide. Don’t gargle and swallow the oil. After coconut oil pulling you should spit the oil and rinse the mouth with water. Pulling coconut oil is better to do in the morning before eating and teeth brushing.

SEE ALSO: Coconut Oil for Skin DOs and DON’Ts

How does coconut oil pulling work?

As we know our digestion begins in the mouth as enzymes are produced in saliva. Researches carried out in Ireland show that only coconut oil can stop Streptococcus bacteria growth if it is treated with enzymes. According to Coconut Research Center, coconut oil is more beneficial among all oils for oil pulling. When you keep the coconut oil in the mouth it interacts with saliva in our mouth which contains enzymes. In this way coconut oil acquires such useful properties. Streptococcus bacteria and streptococcus mutants are the main reason for tooth decay. And these bacteria can be inhibited by coconut oil pulling. According to the recent researches, oil pulling with coconut oil may also fight the yeast which is a cause of thrush.

SEE ALSO: Oil Pulling with Olive Oil


Want to buy coconut oil? Here is our personal choice:

Coconut Oil Organic Ext Virgin, 54 oz - Vitamin Shoppe ($23.99) - web only special (free shipping)!

Mouth hygiene

They say that our health starts in our mouth. The mouth is a good place for bacteria to grow and spread to the rest parts of our bodies. That’s why it is so important to fight bacteria in the mouth. Coconut oil pulling will kill bacteria. And stopping their development it will support your immune system and body health. Oil pulling with coconut oil may also prevent sinusitis, bronchitis and even chronic inflammations, according to CoconutOilfacts.

We believe that coconut oil pulling is worth trying. It may help prevent tooth decay and avoid root canals, it will make your teeth whiter and breath fresher.  It may be difficult to get used to it but the result will surprise you.

  • Stephanie Demic

    I just recently started oil pulling and I have braces. It really does wonders. My breath is fresher. My teeth look whiter. My tongue is softer and everything tastes better. Im ecstatic with the results!

    • http://oilypedia.com/ oilypedia

      Glad it helped!

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